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Posted on 30 Apr 2010
Make-shift homes set up near Kallang Riverside Park
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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There are people living under Merdeka Bridge along Kallang Riverside Park, says STOMPer just for stomp. The STOMPer wonders why this is allowed.
The STOMPer said in an email:
"Should people be allowed to set up their homes in public places?
"Is Kallang Riverside Park a place for them to set up homes?
"There is strong evidence that people are living under our Merdeka Bridge along the Kallang Riverside Park.
"Why is this permitted?
"Is it not a safety issue as well as an environmental concern?
"Will the appropriate authority (which I understand will be difficult to identify between government agencies) resolve this issue?
"I understand from a reliable source that this is a common sight and has never been resolved.
"Living under a public bridge poses a security issue to us and the amount of litter from these people's stay is a nuisance and a public health concern.
"Furthermore, easy access to a public toilet will give these people free bathing and washing facilities."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: homeless , bridge , Litter , unsafe
Make-shift homes set up near Kallang Riverside Park
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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There are people living under Merdeka Bridge along Kallang Riverside Park, says STOMPer just for stomp. The STOMPer wonders why this is allowed.
The STOMPer said in an email:
"Should people be allowed to set up their homes in public places?
"Is Kallang Riverside Park a place for them to set up homes?
"There is strong evidence that people are living under our Merdeka Bridge along the Kallang Riverside Park.
"Why is this permitted?
"Is it not a safety issue as well as an environmental concern?
"Will the appropriate authority (which I understand will be difficult to identify between government agencies) resolve this issue?
"I understand from a reliable source that this is a common sight and has never been resolved.
"Living under a public bridge poses a security issue to us and the amount of litter from these people's stay is a nuisance and a public health concern.
"Furthermore, easy access to a public toilet will give these people free bathing and washing facilities."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: homeless , bridge , Litter , unsafe