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what's the diff between nasipadang and nasikandar?


nasipadang is indonesian while nasikandar is malaysian?
from what I understand nasi padang is indonesian specifically minangkabau. Unlike Malaysia where everyone claims they are Malay, Indonesians don't do that. They divide themselves into Javanese, Minangkabau, etc etc.

nasi kandar is Indian Muslim originating in Penang. Indian for us who grew up before 2010 generally = Tamils. Although there were other Indians, most came as CECA.

syed putra

Liddat then why also roti canai and roti pratha?
Roti canai no1. Roti pratha no 12. Obviously not the same.


A screengrab of the current ranking of the best breads in the world by food website TasteAtlas showing Malaysia’s roti canai at No 1 on social media platform X. Photo: X/@TasteAtlas

syed putra

Roti canai is sell roti prata by the smelly canal

Main differences​

Texture: The primary difference between roti prata and roti canai is their texture. Roti canai has a softer, flaky interior with a crispy exterior, whereas roti prata has a denser, chewier texture with paper-thin layers.

Ingredients: Roti canai uses ghee in its dough, giving it a distinct flavor, while roti prata includes condensed milk and sugar, contributing to its slightly sweet taste.

Serving styles: Roti canai is often served with various curries, while roti prata pairs well with both savory and sweet accompaniments, such as dhal (lentil curry) or sugar