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Chitchat What will you sacrifice for one dinner with her?


Act cute me. May my uncle ask what do you gain by having a dinner with her ?
Is the dinner paid by the house or you or on Dutch?
As for my uncle he will onlee go dinner with chiobu when he can gain something in leeturn.
I.e if is on Dutch and nothing to gain my uncle still prefer to have dinner himself.

My uncle doesn't mix food with sex or sex with music or food with music.
All are standalone activity in order to enjoy the maximum of each activity.
Be clear minded.


It is just looks, and exterior beauty while youthful is often pleasant to look at, but is only skin deep.

However, with just a mere S$30 as tips even in Singapore, the insignificant nobody me can get a FAR FAR more beautiful lady than her to merely drink with in a pub for hours, a bit more in Asia even Japan AV type girls, or in EU europeans with finely chiselled face features akin to famous actresses. Like most beautiful actresses, their beauty eventually fades away, & even for free I would not make that trip to see them again, let alone dine with them.

May sugar bunnies such as them whom presume their youthful looks would be able to snare a partner in the journey in life or to instant riches beyond imagination, wake up to realities. They are only toys to be played with & callously discarded once their use is expired by age.

What is more important is WHAT they have INSIDE them - the characteristic traits that can enhanced BOTH journey in life - supportive as PARTNERS, thru communication daily, to discuss & find the right or at least the best possible solutions to progress in life. Only TRUE love will compel Human to achieve greater heights to evolve & find success in life, in many forms ...

I have no wish to demean her choice, as it may be due to circumstances that I am unaware of, but wish her all the best. She would make a better & honest living as a model for cosmetic products, as her looks will appeal & help the many unsecure feeling married women to enhance their looks to look better for their partners, as physical attractiveness is still important but NO more better & critical than characteristics appeal which is life long.

Sadly, only the foolish young & horny men, as well as those whom grow old but never grew up old men, would pay big money for foolish ego boosting, to dine with her.