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What temperature is a fever?


KNN very good question KNN my uncle did a deep studies on this and found the following for sg KNN

1. Normal temp is 36.9 to 37.0 sometime go upto 37.1 KNN
2. In sg hospitals setup the medical guideline is anything above 37.5 then loctor will take it as worth to take a closer rook KNN
3. Based on case to case basis for (2) when loctor found the patient to be clinically well they will then take 37.8 to 38.2 as a guide for having mild fever KNN
4. However the medical guideline used is totally wrong KNN when temp starts to linger around 37.2 to 37.4 it is already an indication that your body is fighting some virus or bacteria but my uncle believes due to laziness of loctor and hospitals constraints they will tell you nothing to worry just monitor etc and by the time it shootup will be too late KNN
5. My uncle had a experience with someone having 37.2 to 37.4 for half a day and loctor told him it's ok and my uncle told loctor not ok and shortly after 10 to 12 hours later that someone went into septic shock aka sepsis KNN
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Measuring body temperature is pointless, most infected people have no symptoms - so they do not know about it and go on to infect other people.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Having a fever does not necessarily means you are Covid-19 positive
Could be due to lack of piak piak :biggrin:


If u hve temperature go buy half water melon and eat it all. U get tummy ache want to lao sia...

马上 大便... u see ye temp drop immediately to normal 36.9..

Why we hv 369 number in our temperature.

3+6=9 + 9 = 18 = 1+8=9...

End with 9.... same as in the bible ...


Alfrescian (Inf)
KNN very good question KNN my uncle did a deep studies on this and found the following for sg KNN

1. Normal temp is 36.9 to 37.0 sometime go upto 37.1 KNN
2. In sg hospitals setup the medical guideline is anything above 37.5 then loctor will take it as worth to take a closer rook KNN
3. Based on case to case basis for (2) when loctor found the patient to be clinically well they will then take 37.8 to 38.2 as a guide for having mild fever KNN
4. However the medical guideline used is totally wrong KNN when temp starts to linger around 37.2 to 37.4 it is already an indication that your body is fighting some virus or bacteria but my uncle believes due to laziness of loctor and hospitals constraints they will tell you nothing to worry just monitor etc and by the time it shootup will be too late KNN
5. My uncle had a experience with someone having 37.2 to 37.4 for half a day and loctor told him it's ok and my uncle told loctor not ok and shortly after 10 to 12 hours later that someone went into septic shock aka sepsis KNN

Your uncle is a very wise and smart man. Can we meet your uncle?