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What Mediacock's celebrities did during CNY. As if we give a fuck!


I gave a fuck. Many sinkies gave a fuck. You probably live in a bubble world detached from the realities of being a sinkie.

I'm surprised that someone of your status would even be bothered by such crappy stuff. There are lots more important news in the world that deserve the attention of the rich and wealthy than what a bunch of idiotic Sinkie celebrities do during the festive holidays. They can kick the bucket for all I care.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I faintly remember back in the day, the CNY eve show on Channel 8 was highly entertaining: you had acrobats performing, a game with prizes participated by selected members of the audience, and high profile singers from Hong Kong or Taiwan.

As with most other things in Sinkieland, standards are slipping. One step forward, two steps back. Even for the seemingly trivial things. :cool:

syed putra

I faintly remember back in the day, the CNY eve show on Channel 8 was highly entertaining: you had acrobats performing, a game with prizes participated by selected members of the audience, and high profile singers from Hong Kong or Taiwan.

As with most other things in Sinkieland, standards are slipping. One step forward, two steps back. Even for the seemingly trivial things. :cool:
You cannot compete with cgtn spring festivsl gala. It makes other obscure.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I'm surprised that someone of your status would even be bothered by such crappy stuff.

I'm a proud Singapore who supports our local film industry.

There are lots more important news in the world that deserve the attention of the rich and wealthy than what a bunch of idiotic Sinkie celebrities do during the festive holidays. They can kick the bucket for all I care.

The opposite is true: there is hardly any important news in the world today. The rest of the world can kick the bucket for all that we care.

Thanks to the PAP, Singapore has been politically stable and safe all these years because we deter foreign invaders, don't take sides in geopolitical tensions and don't import foreign politics onto our soil.

You think my RC's residents can tell the difference between Putin and Zelensky? Do they even care?


I faintly remember back in the day, the CNY eve show on Channel 8 was highly entertaining: you had acrobats performing, a game with prizes participated by selected members of the audience, and high profile singers from Hong Kong or Taiwan.

As with most other things in Sinkieland, standards are slipping. One step forward, two steps back. Even for the seemingly trivial things. :cool:

The high profile singers now perfer to sing in their own countries. :cool: