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what is your 2023 resolutions?


mine are
1.be a good boy and not anyhow sleep with girls for fun
2.use less plastic bag and bring own shopping bag for grocery shopping
3.quit drinking alcohol
4.eat more vegetables every meal (at least half vegetables half protein per meal)


My resolution is government to abolish the CECA agreement in year 2023.

I can't really bear to see more and more CECA Indians working in Singapore, more and more locals work as Grab driver, food delivery and unemployed or underemployed


Old Fart
Don't need to have resolutions lah, a waste of time. Just be a good person and survive the year can already.:biggrin:

Byebye Penis

1. Hope my child's development disability issue will be gone.
2. Be rich
3. No people scold me or complain me at work
4. Don't need to meet any relatives, no family gatherings.
5. Don't need to go hospital
6. Two more months of covid lockdown
7. Got people hug me
8. Quit my job
9. Kill myself
10. China invades Taiwan
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