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Chitchat What is the reason that sinkie rarely visit brunel


Is it because inconvenient and will end up about same as mudland while having same money exchange rate as sg ?


My friend working in IT industry in Brunei his salary is only 4K sgd but life is good there. Free semi d lodging and free car. Living expenses is 50% cheaper than Singapore.

During weekends, the whole family go to Sabah to unwind


My friend working in IT industry in Brunei his salary is only 4K sgd but life is good there. Free semi d lodging and free car. Living expenses is 50% cheaper than Singapore.

During weekends, the whole family go to Sabah to unwind
Only 4k. But more than me.
I feel cheated now but so long I'm contented with my income I'm OK.


Alfrescian (Inf)
It's an Islamic shithole where the main attractions are a couple of mosques and the sultan's palace.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Brunei has nothing to do for outsiders but for insiders and people in the know, there are things you can actually do but need to keep low profile.
If want to be loud and open , just take a short flight to KK whilst those in Kuala Belait area can drive to Miri in Sarawak.
But will not recommend any one go there unless there is BIG money to be made without having to pay any taxes