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What is he looking at?




Why all these uncles at coffee shop drinking beer will always leave the empty beer bottles on the table to show off how much they spent and drink ?


Old Fart
Why all these uncles at coffee shop drinking beer will always leave the empty beer bottles on the table to show off how much they spent and drink ?
That kind of phenomena must ask Grandpa @glockman

Only he can sexplain this sinkie human behaviour :biggrin:
Exactly that! To show how much we have spent and drank. Which is a direct indicator of how macho we are. We believe this turns on the beer lady and all the other chiobus at the coffeeshop, as well as commands respect from the other unkers.:thumbsup:


Exactly that! To show how much we have spent and drank. Which is a direct indicator of how macho we are. We believe this turns on the beer lady and all the other chiobus at the coffeeshop, as well as commands respect from the other unkers.:thumbsup:
Not to mention Tiger beer will also be very happy with all the income and the free advertising. :wink:

Don't be angry hor.. just saying.:x3: