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Chitchat What does it take to pulverize yankee defence companies and executives?


far too often lazy analysis pins blame of all yankee contineued crimes on their defence companies and their executives. these executives in turn get to influence their public sector officials (bribery lobbying or whatever you call it)

so how difficult is to pulverize their defence industries altogether.

then they should be utterly physically incapable of committing any crime at all.

why is that an issue?


the whole planet incl yanks themselves too should readily agree to pulverize their defence companies since that's the lazy common excuse that's often floated.

isn't that fair enough?

while at it, let's also act and pulvreize zionist terrorist defence comapnies and executives, ditto for ceca and russkies and tiongs.

gayropeans can also be given the same treatment afterwards.

what is the biggest hold up? what's the biggeest stumbling block then?