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What can we trust in this day and age?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject

Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 6.40.39 PM.png



Political stability, trust in government critical for Singapore: PM Lee in final major speech as prime minister​

"I have done my duty," said Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, as he looked back on 40 years in politics.
Political stability, trust in government critical for Singapore: PM Lee in final major speech as prime minister

syed putra


Political stability, trust in government critical for Singapore: PM Lee in final major speech as prime minister​

"I have done my duty," said Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, as he looked back on 40 years in politics.
Political stability, trust in government critical for Singapore: PM Lee in final major speech as prime minister
Not easy to be under daddy's shadow.
He must have felt relieved when Lky died. And upon retirement, totally free at last. Able to do things he actually wanted.



Political stability, trust in government critical for Singapore: PM Lee in final major speech as prime minister​

"I have done my duty," said Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, as he looked back on 40 years in politics.
Political stability, trust in government critical for Singapore: PM Lee in final major speech as prime minister
How many Sinkies has been fuck by his Ceca polices and left behind? CB king of talk Cock.


Not easy to be under daddy's shadow.
He must have felt relieved when Lky died. And upon retirement, totally free at last. Able to do things he actually wanted.
Anwar Ibrahim once told CNA reporters that he won the election and premiership in Malaysia while Lee Hsien Loong inherited his premiership title


Alfrescian (Inf)
My rule is this: if you want to know the truth about anything, just follow the money.

The trail of the money will lead you to the truth, guaranteed.



Political stability, trust in government critical for Singapore: PM Lee in final major speech as prime minister​

"I have done my duty," said Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, as he looked back on 40 years in politics.
Political stability, trust in government critical for Singapore: PM Lee in final major speech as prime minister
Conman .


Alfrescian (Inf)
Two decades of 'stability' under the Useless Son has created many of the problems you are witnessing today.

A country's leader should be hired and fired regularly like the manager of a football club.


let me summarise this motherfucker's message......
ho say liao, from now on.... boh wah A taiji....you die your business....thank you suckers

syed putra

Anwar Ibrahim once told CNA reporters that he won the election and premiership in Malaysia while Lee Hsien Loong inherited his premiership title
Anwar would have rotted away if not for the wife coming out from obscurity and taking over leadership of his movement and party when he was locked up.
Under wife leadership, anwar's party got even more seats than when anwar is in charge. She could have been the best PM malaysia ever had.