Tiger Airways Challenges Jetstar and AirAsia To Punctuality and Transparency Contest
Monday, 10 May 2010
o Push for greater punctuality and transparency among LCCs
o Tiger self-imposes strict criteria for measuring punctuality
o On-Time-Performance (OTP) grew to 84% in April
Tiger Airways Singapore issued a challenge to Jetstar and AirAsia to compete on punctuality using Tiger Airways’ strict criteria.
To derive its monthly On-Time-Performance (OTP) figures, Tiger Airways considers punctuality as within 15 minutes of the scheduled timing, but the similarity with some other airlines ends there. Tiger Airways uses the scheduled timings, instead of rescheduled timings. Tiger Airways also measures all departure and arrival times for all its flights, unlike some other airlines who include only departure times from selected bases.
Using these self-imposed high standards, Tiger Airways Singapore has achieved an OTP of 84% for the month of April 2010, even higher than the 82% achieved for the preceding 12 months.
Rosalynn Tay, Managing Director for Tiger Airways Singapore, said, “We are not surprised that other LCCs can claim high OTP figures if they are based on less stringent criteria than Tiger Airways. As the biggest LCC in Singapore, we are proud to take the lead in being transparent and pushing ourselves harder. We are also proud to have achieved such high levels of operational efficiency.
“We dare Jetstar and AirAsia to compete with us using the same strict criteria. The ultimate winners will be consumers when all LCCs genuinely try their best to be efficient and transparent. We also urge consumers to question LCCs who report extremely high figures without revealing how lenient they are with themselves.”
Tiger Airways Challenges Jetstar and AirAsia To Punctuality and Transparency Contest
Monday, 10 May 2010
o Push for greater punctuality and transparency among LCCs
o Tiger self-imposes strict criteria for measuring punctuality
o On-Time-Performance (OTP) grew to 84% in April
Tiger Airways Singapore issued a challenge to Jetstar and AirAsia to compete on punctuality using Tiger Airways’ strict criteria.
To derive its monthly On-Time-Performance (OTP) figures, Tiger Airways considers punctuality as within 15 minutes of the scheduled timing, but the similarity with some other airlines ends there. Tiger Airways uses the scheduled timings, instead of rescheduled timings. Tiger Airways also measures all departure and arrival times for all its flights, unlike some other airlines who include only departure times from selected bases.
Using these self-imposed high standards, Tiger Airways Singapore has achieved an OTP of 84% for the month of April 2010, even higher than the 82% achieved for the preceding 12 months.
Rosalynn Tay, Managing Director for Tiger Airways Singapore, said, “We are not surprised that other LCCs can claim high OTP figures if they are based on less stringent criteria than Tiger Airways. As the biggest LCC in Singapore, we are proud to take the lead in being transparent and pushing ourselves harder. We are also proud to have achieved such high levels of operational efficiency.
“We dare Jetstar and AirAsia to compete with us using the same strict criteria. The ultimate winners will be consumers when all LCCs genuinely try their best to be efficient and transparent. We also urge consumers to question LCCs who report extremely high figures without revealing how lenient they are with themselves.”