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Well done PAP...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Just as what their masters wanted. The magical year of 2030 is what they crave. :biggrin:

I believe they are brainwashing today's schoolkids with this nonsense now. MOE teachers might want to help verify this. :cool:



Imported water from Malaysia though gradually reduced over the years still accounted for some 40% of our total water needs. We still have lots of work to do before being able to reach our goal of self-sufficient in water.


Imported water from Malaysia though gradually reduced over the years still accounted for some 40% of our total water needs. We still have lots of work to do before being able to reach our goal of self-sufficient in water.
It takes very long time to be self sufficient if we keep on importing new citizens from CECA India. We are now already have to contend with a much smaller area but very expensive HDB flat, due to high population in our such small tiny country


Alfrescian (Inf)
Imported water from Malaysia though gradually reduced over the years still accounted for some 40% of our total water needs. We still have lots of work to do before being able to reach our goal of self-sufficient in water.

So pekchek... might as well rejoin Malaysia lah. :rolleyes:

Suppose you are 100% 'self-sufficient' in water... so? Engage in self-patting on the back or thump your chest with patriotic pride at the NDP? :roflmao: