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Weaker ringgit shows world losing confidence in Malaysia, says Anwar



Weaker ringgit shows world losing confidence in Malaysia, says Anwar​

Anwar Ibrahim says any proper recovery plan requires complex thinking and an appreciation for the complexity of contemporary economics.

PETALING JAYA: The ringgit’s dissipating value has shown that the world has lost confidence in Malaysia, opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim said today.

In a Facebook post, Anwar said short-term solutions and quick fixes by the government were not enough.

“We need leadership that must first inspire the confidence of the people before we can dream of inspiring foreign confidence and then investment.

“A proper plan for a proper recovery requires complex thinking and an appreciation for the complexity of contemporary economics,” he said.

The Port Dickson MP, who is a former finance minister, explained that Malaysians were trapped in a cycle where the people work harder and make less while the price of basic needs has risen exponentially.

“I compel the government to give the rakyat a long-term solution that can inspire the confidence we all deserve.

“The people’s work is paramount to bringing this nation back and you, the people, deserve just reward for your labour,” the PKR president said.

The ringgit weakened past RM4.40 to the US dollar last week for the first time since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, but made a slight recovery to RM4.38 on Friday.

syed putra

The gomen since time of badawi are screwing up. The bureaucracy is a burden due to hefty wage increase badawi and najib imposed..
Plus fuel subsidies


It is easy to blame badawi and najib but it was mahatir who sow the seed for what is happening today.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Weaker ringgit shows world losing confidence in Malaysia, says Anwar​

Anwar Ibrahim says any proper recovery plan requires complex thinking and an appreciation for the complexity of contemporary economics.

PETALING JAYA: The ringgit’s dissipating value has shown that the world has lost confidence in Malaysia, opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim said today.

In a Facebook post, Anwar said short-term solutions and quick fixes by the government were not enough.

“We need leadership that must first inspire the confidence of the people before we can dream of inspiring foreign confidence and then investment.

“A proper plan for a proper recovery requires complex thinking and an appreciation for the complexity of contemporary economics,” he said.

The Port Dickson MP, who is a former finance minister, explained that Malaysians were trapped in a cycle where the people work harder and make less while the price of basic needs has risen exponentially.

“I compel the government to give the rakyat a long-term solution that can inspire the confidence we all deserve.

“The people’s work is paramount to bringing this nation back and you, the people, deserve just reward for your labour,” the PKR president said.

The ringgit weakened past RM4.40 to the US dollar last week for the first time since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, but made a slight recovery to RM4.38 on Friday.

The jiuhu politicians are more interested in playing their muud and moslem cards to stir shit in order to win their elections. There's no hope for jiuhu if they continue on this islamist and anti-chink path. Even Saudi Arabia and the other gulf states are starting to jail and execute their former islamist cleric allies.


MY have always bullied SG, talking nonsense & gets away with it.
Since they use the same stunt on China, screw up their Forrest City
MY is doomed ... there are no foreign investment dare to ever step foot into this country


My past prediction is still valid:
Malaysia will go bankrupt by 2028 ala Greek default.
Save your bullets because cheap property will then be available, provided to escape the crime scene.