It would be unwise for price of water increases YET again.
1. After the COV id19 Pandemic scare, Humankind realized the importance of HYGIENE. Just mere Water, along with Soap, would rid the virus from reaching the mouth, nose & eyes which Humans touches hundreds of time a day using hands, for the virus to enter into the body system.
2. With such realizations, Humankind had even extended the use of water & soap upon body, clothes & utensils, to STERILIZE & prevent many form of microbial organisms from contact with the Human body, which led to the RISE is water usuge.
3. Thru such HYGEINE measures, it had HELPED many, so many from falling sick, which would be a BURDEN upon subsidized healthcare costs from our National Treasury if such measures were not taken by the Public.
4. Should water price increases, then many will adopt the principle of a glass being half empty, & will attempt FOCUS to save each drop to survive, meaning many of hygiene measures WILL be cut down - washing of hands, clothes, bodies, homes, etc, etc, & the CONSEQUENCES WILL BE more will need healthcare attention thru deprivation of water & the subsequent high medical costs to be treated....which WILL be FAR higher than any revenue that could be made by raising water price....
5.Water, no doubt is precious, but IS A NATURAL RESOURCE, more so in the tropics & well geographical positioned Singapore. There are rainfalls & dedicated rain catchment areas, as well as tech to turn even sea water into potable water, let alone current recent knowledge that we are sitting upon a HUGE reserve of water underground.
In the hot desert lands of the Middle East, EACH nation depended very much on water, - rivers, aquifers & Desalination plants were their answer to SELF RELIANCE than to rely on any other nation & be held hostage for water needs