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Watch Sinwar the coward preparing for Oct 7th


Alfrescian (Inf)
Would be a great day if the IDF makes a CCP official its next target. :cool:



The Israelis understand those who befriend Hamas like China and Malaysia have scant understanding of the history and politics of the region. The killings started in the 1800s. No solution except for final victory. Better the Jews prevail, there's at least some democracy. The Arabs only known Jihad and death to infidels.

syed putra

Enjoy tour of Gaza

That's a big prison camp. Surrounded on all sides by barbed wire. You cannot even fish outside of 3 km from the shore or you will be shot at.
In the West Bank where they cooperated with Israeli authorities, their land are continuously confiscated. Only way to engage with Israel is by war and violence.

syed putra

BTW, no news reported that sinwar was detained in Israeli prison for 22 years without charge. That is 1/3 of his life in jail. And another 2/3 in a concentration camp called Gaza.


In the 30 years between 1917 and 1947, hundreds of thousands of Arabs from Egypt, Syria and elsewhere came to present-day Israel to work for the British in the British Mandate. The 1940s saw the Brits set up factories for the war effort that created many jobs. Therefore the Arab-Fakestinians are not native and their leaders collaboration with Hitler for extermination of Jews set them on collision course with a smart people who know how to survive. Only blinded by Mudslime Jihadists rhetoric hate do their leeders fail to see this reality. Constantly the Fakestinians fail again and again.