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Want a vaccine passport without being poisoned by mRNA spikes?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject



High Order Twit / Low SES subject
With the services of our Healthcare unit organization, we help the population to get (without the vaccine )
✅Vax card
✅Vax certificate
✅Negative result certificate
✅Vax passport.
✅Exemption letter
✅RT PCR Test
✅Negative Test
✅passengers Locator card and form
All cards/passes are authentic and verified in various databases NHS,CDC
To place your order contact: @Health_programe


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
We offer to all countries
CDC covid card for the USA
NHS covid pass for the UK
Canada covid pass
Australia digital covid certificate
EU digital covid certificate
COVID card for Ireland
And many other counties also available

We provide the actual vaccination cards/passports and digital certificates



How about to show the world the middle finger insisting not getting into the narrative of using any cards at all. This is just a step to let the unvaxxed to be conned to follow the passport card narrative. Dun be fooled.
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Of course, they won't immediately call it a vaccine passport or anything health-related. :wink:

Their ultimate goal: a China CCP-style social credit score system. Or what the Davos cabal calls: 'digital governance'. :cool:

California may get digital driver’s licenses​



Government around the world collaborates with Big Tech only to control and do surveillance on their citizens.

Singapore Dancing Spirit


Singapore GovTech implemented NRIC and Driver's License via SingPass. Ever since Singapore faces hell a lot of Scammers impersonating as Chinese officers. Those officers are CECA of Indian origin but based in California, USA. Recently an offender of Indian origin, American who was fluent in Chinese (Mandarin) was arrested in Laos in connection with several Malaysian Chinese teens kidnapped into Cambodia.

No wonder NRIC in the SingPass app is still NOT accepted legally in Singapore. Banks and courts still need your physical NRIC.

USA VP who is eyeing for the Presidential race was an Attorney General of California (2011–17). She learnt all her perversions there. She is NOT a mother herself as she is a barren woman as she can never be a mother due to her and her ancestors Karma. She married a Jew who is also an impotent male so that both can practice LGBTQ2+
There is NONE in the world to challenged her as I would unmask her nudity for all of you to see. California is the mother of all perversions within USA. Beware,

Now California is facing a stiff budget deficit.