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Walnuts improve sperm quality



Food as medicine: Walnuts improve sperm quality​

January 29, 2022 Jacintha Gunasekera


Two promising studies have investigated the effects of daily walnut consumption on sperm health - showing improved sperm parameters.

One study comprised men diagnosed with male-factor infertility. Consuming 45g/day of walnuts for 12 weeks improved sperm motility, progressive motility, sperm concentration and sperm morphology.

Another study of healthy men also showed improved sperm vitality, motility and morphology, in this case eating 75g/day for 12 weeks.


It's hypothesized the fatty acids in walnuts (predominantly omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and plant-based omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid) are the major contributing factor to their beneficial effect on sperm cells.

These fatty acids are used specifically by the Sertoli cells in the testes to regulate sperm morphology (maintaining the 'normal' appearance of each cell).

They are also necessary for sperm membrane fluidity - vital for sperm motility (their movement - fast and forward) and for the actual fertilisation of the egg cell.

The sperm cell membrane, being rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, does make it vulnerable to oxidative damage though, such as that caused by smoking, infection, heat, heavy metal exposures, some chemical exposures, radiation.

The take-home​

Eat walnuts daily for sperm health!! Um, yum!
But also, note each of the studies was conducted over 12 weeks - this is one full cycle of spermatogenesis, from sperm cell formation to maturation and ejaculation. The length of a sperm cell lifespan. This is the window of time required to impact sperm health. Fertility is not just a female issue, and the three months prior to conception is just as critical for men, as it is for women.