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Wah Woon Woon Pek Beehoon last time got 3 stalls, now left with one



Say you desire a slice of the F&B action, yet can't cook to save your life - what then? Rope in ex-chef dad as quarterback by all means, thereafter staff up around Martin Yan, budget permitting. Given enough time, ceteris paribus, it's ka-ching, ka-ching baby. Easy peasy lemon squeezy......perhaps not. Enter fledgling hawkerpreneur Reece Wong, who together with business confidant Javien boldly bade their flourishing corporate careers adieu and took the plunge to start Woon Woon Pek Beehoon (稳稳白米粉) at Changi Village Food Centre, papa dearest fully on board.

Admittedly they flew high for a brief moment, having also unveiled presences at two other hawker sites (Whampoa Makan Place and Chomp Chomp) in rapid succession whilst incubating an offshoot concept (Fresh Generation, which sold prodigious lobster soups). But Murphy's law socked disproportionately hard, sending them hurtling back to square one; today only the original Changi Village stall remains.

Woon Woon opens daily from 11am-9pm except Mondays. Take heed that its seemingly expansive menu pretty much just touts a vermicelli y seafood dalliance, so don't go expecting the whole nine yards typical of zi char spots.

More at https://www.thefooddossier.com/2021/05/woon-woon-pek-beehoon.html


Ate once b4 at chomp chomp long time ago, so so nia. Saving grace is that their dishes are less expensive compared to sembawang white bee hoon


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Say you desire a slice of the F&B action, yet can't cook to save your life - what then? Rope in ex-chef dad as quarterback by all means, thereafter staff up around Martin Yan, budget permitting. Given enough time, ceteris paribus, it's ka-ching, ka-ching baby. Easy peasy lemon squeezy......perhaps not. Enter fledgling hawkerpreneur Reece Wong, who together with business confidant Javien boldly bade their flourishing corporate careers adieu and took the plunge to start Woon Woon Pek Beehoon (稳稳白米粉) at Changi Village Food Centre, papa dearest fully on board.

Admittedly they flew high for a brief moment, having also unveiled presences at two other hawker sites (Whampoa Makan Place and Chomp Chomp) in rapid succession whilst incubating an offshoot concept (Fresh Generation, which sold prodigious lobster soups). But Murphy's law socked disproportionately hard, sending them hurtling back to square one; today only the original Changi Village stall remains.

Woon Woon opens daily from 11am-9pm except Mondays. Take heed that its seemingly expansive menu pretty much just touts a vermicelli y seafood dalliance, so don't go expecting the whole nine yards typical of zi char spots.

More at https://www.thefooddossier.com/2021/05/woon-woon-pek-beehoon.html
Looks not bad, but changi village is way too far for me.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
This sort of putien bee hoon is more popular these days. My F&B business will be introducing this and an improved recipe of fried rice to get more business.

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Our Story​

We are the Original Sembawang White Beehoon!

Originally prepared as a homely dish by founder Mr. Tay King Huak, White Restaurant’s signature Original Sembawang White Beehoon has since become a uniquely Singaporean dish well-loved by both local and overseas gastronomes.
The homegrown brand had humble beginnings in 1999, operating from a small hawker stall in Chong Pang Market before moving to Jalan Tampang in 2000 when the market closed. The immense popularity of our signature dish made customers refer to us fondly as the “Sembawang White Bee Hoon Restaurant” instead of the official name of You Huak Restaurant. In 2013, we officially rebranded to the “White Restaurant” we know today, having amply earned our revered reputation of our namesake dish