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wah, this case machiam HK TV series


Recently 1 women also reported 2 doctors are having sex with her. She did not report and even went overseas with one of them or both of them.
That is until the man start to laugh at her.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Recently 1 women also reported 2 doctors are having sex with her. She did not report and even went overseas with one of them or both of them.
That is until the man start to laugh at her.
Julian is appealing. His lawyer is smiling.


I am sure lawyer is very professional.
This woman is not a victim , instead the doctors are victims of pure women's rage. I am sure doctors paid for her trip and meals.

tiagong, she sabo the doc becoz he never pump her full tank


Alfrescian (Inf)
I am sure lawyer is very professional.
This woman is not a victim , instead the doctors are victims of pure women's rage. I am sure doctors paid for her trip and meals.
I am au fait with the case. Julian should know better than to sue her in the first place. Whether she enjoyed free trips and meals is unrelated to the case. But then again, a person is innocent till proven guilty.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Bro GD, just curious

Julian sue her for what ah

the court already awarded the case to that chio bu
For damaging his reputation as she forwarded incriminating texts of his and her lover to some chaps in the medical fraternity. Julian should have settled this privately imo. Lose battle is better than lose war.


Alfrescian (Inf)
For damaging his reputation as she forwarded incriminating texts of his and her lover to some chaps in the medical fraternity. Julian should have settled this privately imo. Lose battle is better than lose war.
But JO is a cocky bugger. He’ll pay a Super heavy price for his judgmental error.


I am au fait with the case. Julian should know better than to sue her in the first place. Whether she enjoyed free trips and meals is unrelated to the case. But then again, a person is innocent till proven guilty.
That's right. Women upon enjoying all the privilege wants to sccoot and damage the good name of her benefactor. This alone should send her to gallow or send to drown with a cage.


For damaging his reputation as she forwarded incriminating texts of his and her lover to some chaps in the medical fraternity. Julian should have settled this privately imo. Lose battle is better than lose war.

she is certainly out to destroy him

this woman is not a simple woman