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Voting with their Feet: CCP, Chinese Elites and their Children Choose to live in 1 Country: USA


............This article from Zheng Yefu has gone Viral in China..............


Voting with Their Feet: Children of High-Level CCP Officials Choose to Live Abroad
By Ming Yang
August 03, 2020 05:29 PM

WASHINGTON - A recent article by an outspoken Chinese sociologist has gone viral on Beijing’s tightly-controlled social media, sparking debates about the children of China’s privileged class who choose to live overseas.

Zheng Yefu, a retired sociology professor from China’s prestigious Peking University, wrote that although the Chinese Communist Party maintains its grip on power in order to better serve the ruling elite, their children are choosing to “vote with their feet,” taking-up permanent residence in western countries.

Exactly how many children of China’s Communist Party leaders choose to live overseas is unknown, but there have been several high-profile children who have sought degrees in top tier American universities.

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s only daughter, Xi Mingze, was educated at Harvard. Two of the party’s last three top leaders, former President Zhao Ziyang and Jiang Zemin, had grandchildren who attended Harvard. Jia Qinglin, a former member of the Politburo Standing Committee, the party’s highest ruling organ, had a granddaughter at Stanford. The now disgraced former Chongqing party star Bo Xilai, is the father of Bo Guagua, who had attended the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.

The Washington Post reported that at least five of the nine members of the last Politburo Standing Committee have children or grandchildren who studied in the United States.

The Washington-based Migration Policy Institute noted in a report that affluent and educated elites are the main force driving emigration from China to the U.S.

According to a report from the China-based wealth research firm Hurun Research Institute, more than a third of rich Chinese “are currently considering” emigrating to another country, for better education systems elsewhere and to flee the country’s polluted cities and strict government, as well as protecting their wealth.

Voting with their feet

Zheng Yefu, a long-time critic of Communist Party policy, wrote that China has spent billions of dollars to “maintain stability,” in order to “safeguard the country created by the great Communist Party.”

Zheng argued the effort is mainly aimed at protecting the country’s privileged class and passing those economic and political advantages on to their children.

Yet, he noted, the children of a number of Communist Party leaders seem to be indifferent to the idea of inheriting their parents’ political power. They have voted with their feet and moved to western countries, particularly the U.S.

“They don't love the power, they love America,” Zheng concluded.

He pointed out there are several reasons for this change of mind from their fathers and grandfathers, including a worsening environment for freedom of speech and movement, and a general dissatisfaction with the previous generation’s way of seizing and maintaining power.

He also noted that after China’s opening up in 1978, people have the chance to go abroad more freely. Benefiting from that policy, some of these elites decide to stay in western countries after comparing the two ways of life.

'They can't change China'

China observer Zan Aizong told VOA that one of the reasons that these elites decide to emigrate is that they feel they have no way to change China.

“If China has democracy, constitution, the rule of law, human rights and universal value, then although there’re problems, they could stay and try to fix it. But if they see there’s no way to change the current status, they would just give up. Vote with their feet,” Zan told VOA.

Rights activist Hu Jia said that there’s another reason: if they choose to stay and fight for their positions in the party, there are huge risks involved.

“For the second or third generation reds, if you lose in the power struggle, you are going to lose everything. Compare that to your opportunity to live a peaceful life in a free and democratic environment,” he said. “So for some, they choose to stay away from the mess.”


Alfrescian (Inf)
The best kept secret! :rolleyes:

They better be careful to not get deported or sent to internment camps. During wartime all bets are off. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
红二代红三代 got no voting rights. If Trump wants them to fuck back to China, they gotta fuck back to China.

Son of sanctioned Hong Kong chief executive hurriedly left US in late July

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The son of Hong Kong's Chief Executive Carrie Lam (林鄭月娥), Joshua Lam (林約希), suddenly went missing from his apartment in Boston, Massachusetts, late last month, with his roommate later confirming he had returned to Hong Kong due to a "family emergency."

A Ph.D. student at Harvard's Mathematics Department, Lam's sudden departure has sparked public intrigue. His mother has been sanctioned by the U.S. government for undermining Hong Kong's autonomy and its citizens' freedom of expression; according to legislation passed late last year, Hong Kong officials implicated in human rights violations and their family members are to be barred from entering the U.S.

According to a FactWire report, Lam's roommate contacted their landlord on July 25 after Lam had gone missing for several days. Attempting to reach Lam by phone, the landlord got an auto-response from his mobile carrier Verizon saying the call "cannot be completed because there are restrictions on this line."

Two days later, after Lam's roommate told her Lam had returned to Hong Kong because of a "family emergency," the landlord sent an e-mail to Lam. She wanted to confirm whether or not he would continue renting the unit, as he had not signed the renewal contract before the deadline.

Lam responded that day saying, "I will rent the entire apartment for the year Sept 1st, 2020 to August 31st, 2021. Please send me the lease to sign."

However, the landlord told FactWire that, as of Aug. 7, Lam had still not signed the lease, and she had not received any further e-mails from him. She had, however, received August's rent, and his personal items are still in the unit.

Amid speculation, a dating app may have provided a clue as to the location of the 26-year-old Harvard student.

On July 30, a user of the online dating app Bumble in Hong Kong's Mong Kok found Lam's verified account, showing he was within 81 kilometers. If that distance is accurate, it could mean Lam is staying in Hong Kong, or he could be as far as Macao, Shenzen, or Zhuhai, Apple Daily reported.


Alfrescian (Inf)
"when you grow up, daddy will send you to harvard. u.s. and angmoh are the best!"


So where are the China crowd here? Our Ministers, top brains all want to go to US, now the Chinese themselves want to be in the US

Where is the anti-US talk now?

Very quiet here all of a sudden


............This article from Zheng Yefu has gone Viral in China..............


Voting with Their Feet: Children of High-Level CCP Officials Choose to Live Abroad
By Ming Yang
August 03, 2020 05:29 PM

WASHINGTON - A recent article by an outspoken Chinese sociologist has gone viral on Beijing’s tightly-controlled social media, sparking debates about the children of China’s privileged class who choose to live overseas.

Zheng Yefu, a retired sociology professor from China’s prestigious Peking University, wrote that although the Chinese Communist Party maintains its grip on power in order to better serve the ruling elite, their children are choosing to “vote with their feet,” taking-up permanent residence in western countries.

Exactly how many children of China’s Communist Party leaders choose to live overseas is unknown, but there have been several high-profile children who have sought degrees in top tier American universities.

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s only daughter, Xi Mingze, was educated at Harvard. Two of the party’s last three top leaders, former President Zhao Ziyang and Jiang Zemin, had grandchildren who attended Harvard. Jia Qinglin, a former member of the Politburo Standing Committee, the party’s highest ruling organ, had a granddaughter at Stanford. The now disgraced former Chongqing party star Bo Xilai, is the father of Bo Guagua, who had attended the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.

The Washington Post reported that at least five of the nine members of the last Politburo Standing Committee have children or grandchildren who studied in the United States.

The Washington-based Migration Policy Institute noted in a report that affluent and educated elites are the main force driving emigration from China to the U.S.

According to a report from the China-based wealth research firm Hurun Research Institute, more than a third of rich Chinese “are currently considering” emigrating to another country, for better education systems elsewhere and to flee the country’s polluted cities and strict government, as well as protecting their wealth.

Voting with their feet

Zheng Yefu, a long-time critic of Communist Party policy, wrote that China has spent billions of dollars to “maintain stability,” in order to “safeguard the country created by the great Communist Party.”

Zheng argued the effort is mainly aimed at protecting the country’s privileged class and passing those economic and political advantages on to their children.

Yet, he noted, the children of a number of Communist Party leaders seem to be indifferent to the idea of inheriting their parents’ political power. They have voted with their feet and moved to western countries, particularly the U.S.

“They don't love the power, they love America,” Zheng concluded.

He pointed out there are several reasons for this change of mind from their fathers and grandfathers, including a worsening environment for freedom of speech and movement, and a general dissatisfaction with the previous generation’s way of seizing and maintaining power.

He also noted that after China’s opening up in 1978, people have the chance to go abroad more freely. Benefiting from that policy, some of these elites decide to stay in western countries after comparing the two ways of life.

'They can't change China'

China observer Zan Aizong told VOA that one of the reasons that these elites decide to emigrate is that they feel they have no way to change China.

“If China has democracy, constitution, the rule of law, human rights and universal value, then although there’re problems, they could stay and try to fix it. But if they see there’s no way to change the current status, they would just give up. Vote with their feet,” Zan told VOA.

Rights activist Hu Jia said that there’s another reason: if they choose to stay and fight for their positions in the party, there are huge risks involved.

“For the second or third generation reds, if you lose in the power struggle, you are going to lose everything. Compare that to your opportunity to live a peaceful life in a free and democratic environment,” he said. “So for some, they choose to stay away from the mess.”

not forgetting how many of them are migrating to singapore???how many of them are staying in rich condo here????my frens doing grab told me is alot alot.some very very rich.

and how many of them study in our english educated school ???

shame on these china communist chinese.till now still die die dun want to give up the stupid communist idealogy and that fat pig mao zhedong picture in tiannanmen????

why china chinese so shame and stupid?


Alfrescian (Inf)
If Winnie doesn't get jailed or executed, there's a new career waiting for him...



Old Fart
So where are the China crowd here? Our Ministers, top brains all want to go to US, now the Chinese themselves want to be in the US

Where is the anti-US talk now?

Very quiet here all of a sudden
In any given group of people, in society or in the population, there will always be some who are smarter than others. We also have those who are...to put it nicely, first class dumbfucks, fucking stupid, brainless assholes. We are fortunate to not be like them.

And to look on the bright side, without people like them, we'd have no one to fuck left, right and center. Not fun leh. So, let's hope they drop by. :biggrin:


In any given group of people, in society or in the population, there will always be some who are smarter than others. We also have those who are...to put it nicely, first class dumbfucks, fucking stupid, brainless assholes. We are fortunate to not be like them.

And to look on the bright side, without people like them, we'd have no one to fuck left, right and center. Not fun leh. So, let's hope they drop by. :biggrin:
resident LORDMORON is still around. This pathetic fool will commit hara kiri any day now. This Indian tried to emigrate there rejected so now want to cry and blame US for everything. Moron.
Last edited:


One of the children of PAP leaders also emigrated to overseas. Red Dot no hope no future. Ang Mo country is the best.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Interesting, talk down on the US yet secretly they all covet the US Passport.

Typical CHina Chinese mentality. All talk.
same with some taiwanese who are born in china. these are old unkers who are pro-prc and kpkb about u.s. sabotaging prc yet they receive their uni education in u.s., earn high paying jobs in u.s., settle down and raise families in u.s. so i tell them to fuck off back to taiwan or better still back to prc if they like prc so much. these chinks and tiongs are shameless.


same with some taiwanese who are born in china. these are old unkers who are pro-prc and kpkb about u.s. sabotaging prc yet they receive their uni education in u.s., earn high paying jobs in u.s., settle down and raise families in u.s. so i tell them to fuck off back to taiwan or better still back to prc if they like prc so much. these chinks and tiongs are shameless.

moment you tell them to f back to China, there will be silence. Not one of them will give up their huge houses, many cars, fat stock portfolios and western freedoms. Their children will never leave, too busy living the USA dream. None of them ever go back. All talk, no action is the way.

they know what is best, life in the Western World, or in this case USA

Porfirio Rubirosa

same with some taiwanese who are born in china. these are old unkers who are pro-prc and kpkb about u.s. sabotaging prc yet they receive their uni education in u.s., earn high paying jobs in u.s., settle down and raise families in u.s. so i tell them to fuck off back to taiwan or better still back to prc if they like prc so much. these chinks and tiongs are shameless.
Same with Pakistanis. Morning out on the streets burning the American flag and American effigies but in the afternoon quietly lining up outside the American Embassy for visas.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Same with Pakistanis. Morning out on the streets burning the American flag and American effigies but in the afternoon quietly lining up outside the American Embassy for visas.
they also want to bring jihad and their shariah laws to america. they’ve been eyeing american and canadian blonds for decades.


Well well well look at what we have here. Where are my China Trolls? Still Jealous?

As I said Amazing #1 in the world America is KING for a reason - and now look - even the PRCs want in to PARADISE - America

This is proof. Confirmation. Nothing else matters but the results. America is #1.
