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Vivian Zeh Zeh reunion with Sharla Zeh Zeh after 30yrs, kym Boss Glockman






30yrs ago


Really 玉女派掌门师姐


3 Jul - Vivian Chow recently sparked nostalgia among fans when she shared photos of her reunion with former silver screen siren, Sharla Cheung.

On 2 July, the Hong Kong singer posted several photos of them together following her recent performance at the Ouhai Olympic Sports Center Stadium in Wenzhou, with both of them looking like not a day over 40 in the photos.

She wrote, "Unexpected performance in Wenzhou made us reunited. I thought you were just saying [you'd come], so I was surprised how far you came to see me. When I saw you while on stage, I can't wait to step down and hug you

Haven't seen you for more than thirty years, it turns out that no matter how the world changes, as long as I'm beside you, I'm full of love," she added.

It is noted that Sharla and Vivian collaborated in the 1989 film, "The Romancing Star III". Sharla retired from showbiz in the 2000s and was revealed to have lived ordinarily in Thailand.