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Violence flares up in southern Thailand


Updated: 10th June 2009, 1200 hrs
Violence flares up in southern Thailand

The five-year insurgency in southern Thailand is back in the limelight, following a recent massacre at a mosque in Narathiwat province.

Gunmen stormed into the mosque on Monday during evening prayers and sprayed worshippers with bullets.

11 people were killed, and at least 12 others were seriously wounded.

The attack took place just hours after the Thai and M'sian Prime Ministers agreed to step up education and economic cooperation over the region's troubles.

And Thailand's powerful army chief General Anupong Paojinda has been sent to the restive south amid the sudden flare-up of violence.

But how effective would these be in helping to solve the entrenched problem in the troubled region?

Yu Cher Jou speaks to some analysts to find out.