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Serious Vietnam supports Putin


Vietnam is clearly making a bold mistake and playing with fire by adopting the "so-called “bamboo diplomacy” – which sways with the winds, and avoids picking sides in international disputes – including in relation to Ukraine, and the rivalry between the US and China."

In the event of a clash with China over the South China Sea, which is not if, but when, they think Russia will help them to pit against China? No way. I would love to see Vietnam being thrashed by China and see how it will crawl to the West for help.

The Philippines under Duterte had sucked up to China and see how they end up today? Even if without Marcos' intervention, China is slowly but surely creeping into every inch of the Philippines' coastal sea.


In 1979 the soviets detered the tiong cock advancement by stationing millions troops at borders with Tiong Cock.

Vietnam did not need help from the Soviets in that spring 1979 border war with China. Battle-hardened Vietnamese soldiers were able to repel PLA troops which weeks earlier had made incursion into northern Vietnam territories. Chinese troops eventually withdrew after suffering heavy casualties.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why not? There are many Ruskies living in Vietnam. Nha Trang is where they are at.

Also many Ruskie-Viet mixed breeds there.



Vietnam did not need help from the Soviets in that spring 1979 border war with China. Battle-hardened Vietnamese soldiers were able to repel PLA troops which weeks earlier had made incursion into northern Vietnam territories. Chinese troops eventually withdrew after suffering heavy casualties.
VIetnam managed to repulse tiongkok 1st wave attack by 5 infantry div without proper air sirpok.

In 2nd wave, Tiongkok send their elite armor units to climb thru thick vietnam forest and up the mountains to threaten Viet flank.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
It’s a wayang. Vietnam is acting the messenger boy for Biden. A great amount of whispering is taking place. Expect vietcong to tell Putin to be patient. His friend is coming back.


Alfrescian (Inf)
When Thailand and Cambodia prospers, Vietnam will be isolated. America don't like dictatorship, Vietnam is delusional to take side with America.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
vietnam is one of the fastest growing economy in SEA and definitely courted by US. If Putin gets to use vietnam bases like what they did previously, they will be scared shitless because it will mean CCP having a direct pressence poking the ass of Biden.

syed putra

VIetnam managed to repulse tiongkok 1st wave attack by 5 infantry div without proper air sirpok.

In 2nd wave, Tiongkok send their elite armor units to climb thru thick vietnam forest and up the mountains to threaten Viet flank.
And until today, nobody thanked the viets for ending the brutal Khmer rouge regime. Not even a Nobel Peace Prize

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
And until today, nobody thanked the viets for ending the brutal Khmer rouge regime. Not even a Nobel Peace Prize
Khmer Rouge is the evil offspring of Vietcongs....why should they be credited for killing the monster that they created? In the same breadth, Taliban is the offspring of CIA's efforts which then develop into Al Qaeda.

syed putra

Khmer Rouge is the evil offspring of Vietcongs....why should they be credited for killing the monster that they created? In the same breadth, Taliban is the offspring of CIA's efforts which then develop into Al Qaeda.
What utter nonsense. Khmer rouge was supported by communist china.


The Khmer Rouge killed many borderland Viets so they decided to repel them. Tiong Cock was the sponsor of this evil regime.
Today, Tiong Cock never learn and befriend North Korea.