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VietBu Cuisine : Roasted Lizards With Rice


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
Roasted Lizard Rice Bowls In Vietnam Look Like Ikan Billis With Rice If You Don't Think Too Hard About It


Vietnamese food is known to make use of unique ingredients to make their dishes interesting. However, you might not be so excited for what we have in store for you.
A post on Facebook shows many pictures of what seem like lizards being roasted, cooked, and added on top of rice.


Roasted lizards on rice

One photo, in particular, depicts roasted lizards placed on top of a bowl of rice. They look like ikan billis to the uninitiated.


Another photo shows a group of people weighing what seems to be thousands of dead lizards on a weighing scale.



The sheer number of lizards in this picture is mindboggling.


We’re not sure if you’ll be able to dabao them back to Singapore for your relatives to try –you’ll have to check ICA’s guidelines lest you get stopped at Customs.

Fear-Factor worthy

Trying this may seem like a challenge from Fear Factor, but who knows, it might taste better than it looks.

Maybe if the lizards on the rice bowl were deep-fried in salted egg sauce or come with a side of sambal chilli, we may even consider taking a bite.


Would you try Vietnam’s roasted lizard “donburi” the next time you there?
Let us know in the comments below.
Featured image adapted from Facebook.