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[Video] - Zermatt Neo eats 7KG PENANG Char Kway Teow enough to feed 10 people, twice.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Typo : Mods pls change "10 people" in thread title to "20 people" thanks.

Zermatt Neo eats 7KG PENANG Char Kway Teow enough to feed 20 people​


John Little

This Zermatt fella really wasting food. What he ate could have fed many hungry people in Singapore. There are so many of us, stuck with debts, stuck with loans, stuck with bills, who don't mind having free food.
Instead, we kena watch this fella 'wolf' down all this quantity of food, ffs?


This Zermatt fella really wasting food. What he ate could have fed many hungry people in Singapore. There are so many of us, stuck with debts, stuck with loans, stuck with bills, who don't mind having free food.
Instead, we kena watch this fella 'wolf' down all this quantity of food, ffs?
Those people who are stuck with debt, stuck with loans, stuck with bills is exactly why they go hungry. Zermatt has no obligation to feed these people. It will be better off for these debt ridden people to educate themselves on why they are in their sorry state in the first place.

Expecting and depending on handouts is exactly why they are in their sorry fucked up state.