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[Video] - YouTuber stranger picks up poor little girl, buys all her oranges and gives her a ride in his car in China


Alfrescian (Inf)
That's the modus operandi of most kidnappers and pedophiles.

Tiong countryside folks are very trusting, no doubt someone criminal will watch the video and use that as a guide now. :thumbsdown:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Heartbreaking that the world's biggest economy has innocent children left to survive on their own. But those kids have the sweetest smiles.
the outgoing pm li keqiang already said prc still has 696m living in poverty, to the chagrin of xia xuay xi. prc is still a poverty ridden cuntry (prc).


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Another China YouTuber helping another little girl buy her apples to help her take care of her elderly grandpa :

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real motherfuckers are the govts and central banks printing unbacked money that all the poor worked their asses off for
of course there are always some bad people amongst the good people that try to help