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[Video] - You are an American soldier in Vietnam during the Vietnam War


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


1 month ago (edited)
I'm an 81-year-old Vietnam veteran, two tours. My first tour was with the 1st Cav Division. I've been in numerous base camps and on 5-6 helicopter assaults. I was a 1LT intel officer. I've been playing shooter games since Doom. I've never played any COD games, but I've played Arma 3 Prairie Fire since it came out. I thought you might like to hear what I have to say about this video. I think it's great. I mean really great. The graphics are astonishing. It's the best version of the Vietnam War I've ever seen. The inside of the hooch and the guys and stuff in there are totally realistic. The men don't look like regular grunts, but they do look like the LRRP troopers I used to work with (but with whom I never went on missions). The base camp outside, the helicopters, the m&d and other stuff, are perfect, except everything is too close together. The outdoor scenery is too gorgeous; Vietnam isn't really like that except in a few places which we never saw. In our war, we never attacked any city like the one in the video except maybe parts of Hue during Tet 68 which I did not see. Very unlikely we'd be so careless of civilian lives as this video shows, all that shooting up the streets and buildings. As for the firefight at the VC farm, you don't stand out in the open and blaze away at the enemy. You fire from cover and concealment. I'm being critical here, yes, but I'm only being that way because I want you readers to get an accurate picture of what Vietnam was like, because the last Vietnam veteran will probably die during your lifetime, just like the last Civil War soldier died when I was a teenager. I also realize that no movie and no game can be absolutely accurate because movies and games have to have constant action and constant talk, whereas real life does not. I am a guy who takes art seriously. The computer game is the newest form of art to be invented. I'm glad I lived to see it. This game looks like a masterpiece to me. I'll bet you young fellows don't realize that we are living in a golden age of entertainment. Let's hope it stays that way.