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[Video] - 'We Don't Accept Customers From Your Fucked Up Country': Vietnamese Cafe Kicks Out Israelis


Give the man a Tiger! Anti-Zionism, anti-genocide is not anti-Semitism.

Anyway, a proprietor has the right to deny entry to anyone they don't like. Korean bars routinely deny entry to CECA and AFricans.

syed putra

The group that committed the most genocide in world history are Muslims.

IS was a US ally to fight Assad regime in syria but decided to abandon them halfway. So with no money, they went first after whites as hostages yo get money from their master, and be eventually rampage over the countryside.
Yazidis were not harmed under Assad regime

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
This Jewish guy thinks he can shame and cancel a Vietnamese guy by filming and posting this? Sorry .. this is not Europe or America. No one here was responsible for the supposed Holocaust and won't get tricked by the guilt trip

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
because it’s a Zionist construct. And the real Zionists are not Jews

Historically Jews have always played the financier role for european elites. They have profited massively from bankrolling wars and countless other bloody campaigns. The jewish people have since climbed into important political positions to play the role of the invisible hand. But when the prevailing empire becomes unstable, the invisible middlemen are first to get thrown under the carriage. Then the surviving group will move to a new land and attach itself to the host.

This cycle has been going on for more than 2000 years since ancient Egypt

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
IS was a US ally to fight Assad regime in syria but decided to abandon them halfway. So with no money, they went first after whites as hostages yo get money from their master, and be eventually rampage over the countryside.
Yazidis were not harmed under Assad regime
Excuses, excuses. Bottomline is your cult Islam is an evil religion.