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[Video] - Trump and Le Pen may pull USA and France out of NATO (Putin likes this)


This is a lie....as France has been technically out of NATO for decades...they fall under a different command structure...and the USA wants all nato countries to contribute their fair share....nothing wrong in that

syed putra

This is a lie....as France has been technically out of NATO for decades...they fall under a different command structure...and the USA wants all nato countries to contribute their fair share....nothing wrong in that
Europe does not fear Russian threat. That is why their defence spending have been downsized. It is the US that insist on huge defence budget for Europe as most of the military hardware are from the US.in any case, European economy eclipsing that of the US so it has to be destroyed. And it did.


Europe does not fear Russian threat. That is why their defence spending have been downsized. It is the US that insist on huge defence budget for Europe as most of the military hardware are from the US.in any case, European economy eclipsing that of the US so it has to be destroyed. And it did.
If that the case why is Europe making such a big fuss about Ukraine?


Europe does not fear Russian threat. That is why their defence spending have been downsized. It is the US that insist on huge defence budget for Europe as most of the military hardware are from the US.in any case, European economy eclipsing that of the US so it has to be destroyed. And it did.
The Europeans were taking the yanks for a ride..