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[Video] - This is how anil ambani the world's 6th richest man, became bankrupt

Singapore Dancing Spirit


The story is incorrect.

He did not find a job in India at his younger days, and he migrated to Yeman, Middle East without a valid passport.

The Anil Ambani started out as a gas station attendant in Yemen and meaning he has to fill the tank for the customers and later he worked as a casher in the gas station. He looted sufficient money illegally before he went back to India to start a business in India. Is the perfect example of a bad karma of moving from Rags to Riches and then riches to rags story. He went on to become the richest man India as anything in India is possible in any business if you play illegal business in fraudulent manner.

He has no values, and his soul is rotten as he is fighting with his own family members.

My verdict:
The source of income is NOT through genuine business and so it can't last longer. Not only Anil Ambani but any CECA from India cannot retain their wealth as they do not have any strategies for sustainability. They are all beggars, with beggary business. None of the family members could build their family as they are destined for destruction in this earthly life.
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