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[Video] - Taiwan is suspicious of China-Singapore Joint Counter-Terrorism Military Exercises


I think we should expand our military training with PLA. It's to Actually upgrade diplomatic ties.

At the same time, we must expose our monolingual soldier to face the crafty PRC soldier. You never know one of them report directs to Xi Jin Ping direct.


SAF got nothing to offer. Let's see what intel can be gleaned from the Communist army. Pass it on to our allies.


Alfrescian (Inf)
SAF got nothing to offer. Let's see what intel can be gleaned from the Communist army. Pass it on to our allies.

Really? All the weaponry bought from western countries and used by the SAF. :wink:

Can't wait for Sinkieland to get sanctioned... maybe the Useless Son will need to celebrate LKY's birthday and/or death anniversary every month to boost morale. :biggrin: