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[Video] - Singaporean shopper refuses to wear mask, shouts at Singaporean staff at Novena Mall who says "Wear your bloody mask lah!"


Alfrescian (Inf)
This angry mudhead should shout in front of armed policemen or rifle-toting patrolmen instead of an unarmed part-timer. Like that, no hero but zero! He obviously needs a good fine to sober up!


Alfrescian (Inf)
This angry mudhead should shout in front of armed policemen or rifle-toting patrolmen instead of an unarmed part-timer. Like that, no hero but zero! He obviously needs a good fine to sober up!

The police arrived, and the matter was settled, according to follow up reports.
Balless asshole.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The police arrived, and the matter was settled, according to follow up reports.
Balless asshole.

Maybe the m&d policemen took pity on him. It's obvious enough his open defiance and shouting constituted an offence under the present Covid-19 context. Even ah sohs also got charged in court. All really balless assholes!

Byebye Penis

The staff's body language also very ah beng. I think he thought he is some sort of RSM, go around fugging mall customers.