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[Video] - Sg Chess Master beats Azerbaijani Chess Master, who bangs the table in anger!


I do hope this nerdy Sinkie chess master do put in some effort to groom himself a bit better! @ least get rid of the nerdy country pumpkin look..:wink:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I do hope this nerdy Sinkie chess master do put in some effort to groom himself a bit better! @ least get rid of the nerdy country pumpkin look..:wink:

Chess players are likely to be nerdy, which includes poor physical fitness, obesity and low muscle tone. This has to do with a largely sedentary lifestyle of sitting in chairs, as shown in the videos. Chess masters likely spend even more time in the chair playing or practicing chess. So they would look even more nerdy.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Play chest is for boomers. Now a days the hip thing is compete in leek of legend. :cool:

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