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[Video] - Scott Ritter: Full Scale War with Lebanon WOULD DESTROY HALF OF ISRAEL IN TWO WEEKS

syed putra

It will Also be the end of Lebanon.
Right now, except for border with Jordan and Egypt where the gomen remains in charge, Israel borders with what I would define as broken states where gomen have no control over the insurgents or private militias. Entire northern Israeli border is exposed to this threat.
Assuming Israel uses nukes, it would be the start of a nuclear war with Pakistan providing the warhead.
Unless, with US which had just deposed of a elected prime minister of pakistan, can successfully control it's new military regime.
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Flying Horse

Israel should prove them wrong.
Iron Dome still working after Hamas send them 20 missiles ? Instead of boasting about the Iron Dome, they're telling the settlers to evacuate. Remember when Iran send 300+ drones, IDF claimed the Iron Dome intercepted 95% of the Iranian drones and cruise missiles. After more than 8 months the IDF still failed to wipe out the rag tag Hamas from Gaza, you think they have any chance to wipe out the Hezbollah who is much well well-trained, massive stockpiled of Iranian/Russian advanced weapons ? Just look at what happened with American Navy facing off the Houthis at the Red Sea !!


Alfrescian (Inf)
It will Also be the end of Lebanon.
Right now, except for border with Jordan and Egypt where the gomen remains in charge, Israel borders with what I would define as broken states where gomen have no control over the insurgents or private militias. Entire northern Israeli border is exposed to this threat.
Assuming Israel uses nukes, it would be the start of a nuclear war with Pakistan providing the warhead.
Unless, with US which had just deposed of a elected prime minister of pakistan, can successfully control it's new military regime.

whatever lah....................as long as Jews and MuSLIMEs are culling each other..................a most wonderful blessing for Mankind...............