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[Video] - Russia reports shooting down UFO


If these are real UFO, you will not be able to shoot them down at all.

It is just the cabal's stunt to do a psy-op to make people feel UFO are enemies and a threat. it is just some flying devices by the cabal to put up a show.

Real UFO have technologies way beyond your imaginations. you think you can shoot it down in anyway you can?

Real UFO is able to float their ship and objects. Earth tech cannot even do this.
UFO even master using consciousness to run their ship and earth people just learn about frequency, vibration and consciousness and dunno how to use it as applied science yet. i bet their defense armour and weapons are out of this world too.


February 15, 2023

The UFOs Shot Down Over North America ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very aware of the so-called UFOs that have been shot down in various locations across North America, and we are also aware of the wild speculation that has gone on within the new age community about what these objects really were. Now, we want you to all understand that your skies are filled with spaceships from all across the galaxy and from other dimensions, and we also want you all to rest assured that no one has shot down a spaceship. Something being a UFO does not make it a spaceship.

These were all human-made crafts that were shot down. Now, there is more good news coming from us around this story. Having mainstream media and government officials, including the military, talk about the possibility that they could have been extra-terrestrial is very good for all of you who want the e.t.s to hurry up and land their ships already. You are being readied for that experience. Soft disclosure is happening, and it will continue to happen. There will continue to be less laughter around the idea of extra-terrestrial life amongst those who operate in more of the mainstream than all of you do.

And again, the average person who does not focus on these things very much is being readied. Those of you who are ready have to of course wait for your fellow humans to be ready enough for that experience, but you still get to have your own experiences with e.t.s and with actual spaceships, and you have all taken a step closer to those experiences as well. So you see, it is all good news, and you don’t need to worry about the wild speculation that goes on amongst those who are conspiracy theorists and do believe that they have the one and only truth at all times about what’s really going on.

In fact, we would recommend that you tune out anyone who starts drawing lines between different events that have no relationship to one another whatsoever. You need to focus on you and your readiness for e.t. contact. You need to focus on what you still need to let go of and the places within yourself where you still need to raise your vibration. What you want is a harmonious planet to live on where humans and e.t.s can walk side by side and where space travel will be available to everyone. And what will not get you closer to that reality is finger-pointing and speculating about what the cabal is doing today, or what they were doing yesterday, or what they will do tomorrow.

Continue to focus on yourselves, on what you need to clear, what you need to forgive, what you need to let go of, and you will continuously inch closer and closer to that time where the real ships can land, and you can be reunited with family members from out there in the stars. We are so happy to bring you this message because it is a message to let you know that you are still right on track, and this is yet another step forward on that track to joining the galactic community in an official capacity.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton
May be an image of 1 person


February 28, 2023
Ashtar Sheran - You May Know What We Are Doing

Dear Brothers and Sisters of Planet Earth, I AM ASHTAR SHERAN!

Once again, it is necessary for me to come here. Interesting times are emerging. Why are they interesting? Because lies are increasingly fomented, there is no longer a way to deny our presence. The world already talks about it, but in a very interesting way: that we are easily put down and that what you see in the skies are human products. So we enjoy having a good laugh at what your media usually reports.

There is no more denying our presence or our existence. The only thing missing at this moment is our appearance as beings, which is to effectively bring our presence, our existence. So the only thing we ask right now is that you have much discernment with what will be said.

It will be very complicated to prevent our words from being altered in a broadcast, at least for now. So, we will continue to speak to you in this way through channels that we are sure we can trust. But, in the future, yes, we will dominate transmissions, and so, for sure, there will be no problem changing our words.

Rest assured that your leaders are aware of the situation. Many who are already on the side of the Light are waiting with anxiety and Love. Others still wonder if they are really going through this. And some want us to refrain from showing up and telling the whole truth.

The major objective is to delay the process. What process? The process of the global awakening of humanity. But there is no longer a way to do that because the whole process no longer depends on your energy. The Light is fully implanted, so everything that is happening is part of the process. The process won't begin, it has already begun, and, more and more, you will see us in your skies.

We will increasingly bring in larger ships so that, little by little, many will come into reality. No project on Earth can show what we will show and do what we will do so that they will be unmasked. There is no way around it. Humanity is awakening little by little; the situations are becoming faster and faster, and it is necessary to have an attitude.

Fear not; our presence does not alter your planet's climate, on the contrary. We've done enough to contain all the changes that Gaia's going through, and if we weren't around, it would really be a global catastrophe. But nobody wants to talk about this; nobody wants to know.

So now is the moment to open your hearts, look up at the skies, and know we are there. And when your heart vibrates and lights up, we feel and return this Love. We are connected to many of you; all those who respect us—I would not say Love but respect us—have created a connection with us. It's as though we know there's someone we can trust. There may be a first impact due to our differences, but we see your hearts and know they are pure.

So you look at the sky, speak to us, and ask for a sign, we'll respond. Because we know that there is an open, clean, enlightened heart that deserves our attention, even those who asked to see us out of curiosity, we answered their request and much fled. They can't bear the certainty of what they have asked for.

So, brothers and sisters, everything is going as planned. We are not impatient or anxious like you; all is done on time and according to the plan. Don't think we are at a standstill or that the process has stopped. We are working hard. We have done intense work with the souls being disconnected from the planet, and this is our greatest work at this moment.

We give those souls the opportunity to choose whether to continue on a path of Light or the path of the third dimension, and all choices are respected.

We are preparing many things to be implanted on your planet to help you with disease and hunger, and this will happen very soon; don't be terrified by what's starting to spread across your surface. Many things will need to be changed, and habits will need to be eliminated. Many things that will frighten you will come; not to generate fear but to liberate many beings on this planet. So the process is slow and gradual; just observe. Nothing is as it was; everything is changing, and every day more and more will change.

Enter into your divine presence and ask to see the changes. Then, surely, all that is being done will be brought to you. We have nothing to hide. On the contrary, we want more and more people to be aware and to know what we are doing.

So ask to see what is being done, and you will be amazed because you will never have the slightest idea of each point covered on this planet. Do this exercise and you will know exactly what is happening.

Channelled by: Anjos e Luz Terapias

