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[Video] - RM$1 ringgit fried chicken & fried crabs


Really respect these people. I think their profit margin is only about 20%. They do this out of love for their job and passion rather than to make enormous profits, unlike some other unscrupulous hawkers and still have the audacity to ask for rental rebates and waivers during these episodes of pandemic induced lockdowns.


Really respect these people. I think their profit margin is only about 20%. They do this out of love for their job and passion rather than to make enormous profits, unlike some other unscrupulous hawkers and still have the audacity to ask for rental rebates and waivers during these episodes of pandemic induced lockdowns.
Here is all about $$$$$$, from the very top to the bottom.

syed putra

I believe this is a sort of franchise.
You pay certain amount upfront, company will give you stall plus equipment plus supplies. I think this is how it works.