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[Video] - Putin Openly Brandishes Nukes After NATO's New 'Trigger', sends 4 warships including nuclear armed submarine to Cuba in warning to USA


Alfrescian (Inf)
There you go. Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0.

Ahead of schedule. :wink:

What did you old farts do during the original Cuban Missile Crisis back in the day? Any nuclear shelter drills done? Stockpiling of food?


faster war lah, talk so much rubbish and cock, chut so much pattern for so long, but yet nothing had happened.


Old Fart
Istana got bunker? Let's occupy it first.
With the way the russkies are fucking themselves up, we may not have to chiong istana bunker!:biggrin:

Russian Destroyer Catches Fire in Barents Sea Due to Malfunction: Kyiv​

Story by Isabel van Brugen
• 18h • 2 min read

Russia's large anti-submarine ship Admiral Levchenko is on fire in the Barents Sea, according to the spokesperson of the Ukrainian Navy.

Dmytro Pletenchuk, spokesperson for Ukraine's Southern Defense Forces and the Navy, said in a post on Facebook that one of the vessel's engines had malfunctioned and caught fire with several hundred crew members on board.

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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
With the way the russkies are fucking themselves up, we may not have to chiong istana bunker!:biggrin:

Russian Destroyer Catches Fire in Barents Sea Due to Malfunction: Kyiv​

Story by Isabel van Brugen
• 18h • 2 min read

Russia's large anti-submarine ship Admiral Levchenko is on fire in the Barents Sea, according to the spokesperson of the Ukrainian Navy.

Dmytro Pletenchuk, spokesperson for Ukraine's Southern Defense Forces and the Navy, said in a post on Facebook that one of the vessel's engines had malfunctioned and caught fire with several hundred crew members on board.


Imagine the Russians need Ukrainians to help put out the fire to save their lives. What happens immediately after the fire is put out?


Russia is really 战斗民族 The one true power to stand against USA

Russia is a joke & have NO ability to match the Free World in terms of socio-economic political or even military power.

Should it fire its nukes, the Free World currently have Laser weapons that is able to shoot hi-energy beams of more than 1000 degrees at each nuke missile, which is more than enough to burst thru the rocket delivery shell & ignite the fuel, burning up the nuke bomb even BEFORE the nuke missile leaves Russian or its allies territories....

As our World's nuke policy is - none would be the 1st to fire nukes, but if RUSSIA fires first, it will NOT be a single missile response, but MULTIPLE nuke response from the Free World nations & such would turn Russia into a flat glass sheet land mass only fit to be used as a giant car park lot...

Should Russia uses conventional warfare without nukes, it still has 17 borders to guard against. Once war is declared by Russia, 17 neighbors would invade Russia SIMULTANEOUSLY at the same time to expand their own territories, including even China.

Within 6hrs of such simultaneous response to conflict, there would be no more RUS troops or RUS ammo left....

Best PrezPutin ends his megalomaniac dreams to rule Humankind. He will only go the way that Hitler went - be spat upon for eternity even by his own citizens for the harm & missed opportunities of life that had been done to Russia.


Russia is a joke & have NO ability to match the Free World in terms of socio-economic political or even military power.

Should it fire its nukes, the Free World currently have Laser weapons that is able to shoot hi-energy beams of more than 1000 degrees at each nuke missile, which is more than enough to burst thru the rocket delivery shell & ignite the fuel, burning up the nuke bomb even BEFORE the nuke missile leaves Russian or its allies territories....

As our World's nuke policy is - none would be the 1st to fire nukes, but if RUSSIA fires first, it will NOT be a single missile response, but MULTIPLE nuke response from the Free World nations & such would turn Russia into a flat glass sheet land mass only fit to be used as a giant car park lot...

Should Russia uses conventional warfare without nukes, it still has 17 borders to guard against. Once war is declared by Russia, 17 neighbors would invade Russia SIMULTANEOUSLY at the same time to expand their own territories, including even China.

Within 6hrs of such simultaneous response to conflict, there would be no more RUS troops or RUS ammo left....

Best PrezPutin ends his megalomaniac dreams to rule Humankind. He will only go the way that Hitler went - be spat upon for eternity even by his own citizens for the harm & missed opportunities of life that had been done to Russia.

U be first to try Russia?


Russia is a joke & have NO ability to match the Free World in terms of socio-economic political or even military power.

Should it fire its nukes, the Free World currently have Laser weapons that is able to shoot hi-energy beams of more than 1000 degrees at each nuke missile, which is more than enough to burst thru the rocket delivery shell & ignite the fuel, burning up the nuke bomb even BEFORE the nuke missile leaves Russian or its allies territories....

As our World's nuke policy is - none would be the 1st to fire nukes, but if RUSSIA fires first, it will NOT be a single missile response, but MULTIPLE nuke response from the Free World nations & such would turn Russia into a flat glass sheet land mass only fit to be used as a giant car park lot...

Should Russia uses conventional warfare without nukes, it still has 17 borders to guard against. Once war is declared by Russia, 17 neighbors would invade Russia SIMULTANEOUSLY at the same time to expand their own territories, including even China.

Within 6hrs of such simultaneous response to conflict, there would be no more RUS troops or RUS ammo left....

Best PrezPutin ends his megalomaniac dreams to rule Humankind. He will only go the way that Hitler went - be spat upon for eternity even by his own citizens for the harm & missed opportunities of life that had been done to Russia.
Sometimes I wonder how many times can a man give a wrong prediction or how many times can he bet on the same wrong horse and admit defeat?