Well, I am sorry you found my post incomplete and hence unpalatable.
Not just CNN, but also FOX, Sky, France24, DW, al jazeera, NHK and a host of others I can't recall now. I scroll through many news channels every night. Why are you so against CNN? They are very pro-CCP? Not called the China/Communist News Network for nothing.
China is firmly behind Russia?? China has officially said they are neutral, and even offered to be mediator to end the war. In this aspect, I am behind China. Anyone who wants to end conflict and suffering, and help create peace is to be supported.
You are so anti-US anti-west that anyone or anything that aligns with your world view will automatically get your support. This is very myopic.
And BTW, if Saddam and Gaddafi were to tell their civilians to fight for their country, the take up rate would be zero. Who wants to fight to retain and maintain a tyrannical, murderous dictatorship?
If Putin had focus on economic growth, stop scheming to return to formal glories, court the west in earnest to allay their mistrust and suspicion, and stop killing/jailing his opponents, the west might just be more receptive.
Whoever starts a war is automatically wrong. Between china/russia and the democratic world, I choose to support the latter. Because they are the lesser of two evils.