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[Video] - Malaysian civil engineer working in S'pore says he spends less than S$10 a day on food working here

A Singaporean

Do not understand why low ses Sinkies keep kpkb about high cost of living. Why dont poor Sinkies just fuck off to mudland. We need people like Ramesh who can afford to pay and pay.


Young mudlanders, even taking up good paying jobs in sg are well known to be extreme savers.

syed putra

Young mudlanders, even taking up good paying jobs in sg are well known to be extreme savers.
After money conversion, their hair all turned white.
KL monthly mrt season ticket which can be used on buses only RM50/month. And yet not many using it.


Alfrescian (Inf)
i survive in sg with ntuc kopi set for breakfast and cai png 1 vege combo for lunch and dinner. less than $10. $6.9 to be exact.