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[Video] - Malaysia blames Indonesia for haze, Indonesia says "nonsense! it's not from us!"


Alfrescian (Inf)
In the meantime the highest paid ministers and president in the world has kept quiet and not said a single word.
How pathetic

syed putra

In the meantime the highest paid ministers and president in the world has kept quiet and not said a single word.
How pathetic
PAP profit immensely from their dealings with Indonesia. No way will they jeopardise this relationship.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Same problem, same answer. Because the smoke does not affect Jakarta.
hanor, only this time there's no reassurance from joker jokowi to pinky on minimizing transboundary haze as he's on his last term as presiden with no more under table handouts forthcoming. meanwhile mudland has written to them on this but rebutted by their in-denial and defensive nonok minstar but sinkie ministars unconcerned and seemingly accepting their fate after extending so many occasions of "goodwill" towards the indons! :redface:


Can Indonesia at least add some weed, let them burn together with the haze.
We can organize 420-Party, it will boost our tourism, another win-win situation