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[Video] - Kumar and his AMDL wife's miscom issues


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


6 months ago
Not only it happen outside of Malaysia, it can happens inside Malaysia too. As a Johorean that marries a Kedahan, these are what happen in our household (some of them); Sudu vs camca Selipar vs kasut Semalam vs kelmarin


6 months ago (edited)
There are more e.g. Gulai n kari Kicap n toyu Cabai n cili or lada Daun asin-asin n cekur manis Daun cenohom n kesom Menyorok n sarapan There are also some action verbs to such as ligan (kejar), habaq (beritahu), blehaq (sendawa), bang (azan),etc.


Old Fart
Americanised pronunciation, spelling and terminology have become pervasive due to Hollywood influence and American domination in most aspects of life across the globe. But I am sticking to my Queens's English. Lorry not truck. Football not soccer. Boot not trunk. Flavour not flavor. Organise not organize.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Americanised pronunciation, spelling and terminology have become pervasive due to Hollywood influence and American domination in most aspects of life across the globe. But I am sticking to my Queens's English. Lorry not truck. Football not soccer. Boot not trunk. Flavour not flavor. Organise not organize.
