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[Video] - Korean-American bu says South Koreans are fucking racist towards everyone who's not Korean


When they are racist and disrespectful against you, That's because you are f****** poor. That's the only thing you need. You need to get f****** rich.


When they are racist and disrespectful against you, That's because you are f****** poor. That's the only thing you need. You need to get f****** rich.
The trouble with Koreans is they judge by skin color and appearances. If you're trailer white trash, they will admit you into the bar because they think that you're rich AMDK. If you're a rich black, you'll be denied entry because they assume all Africans are poor.

Unless you drive up to the entrance in a chauffeur driven Bentley.


The trouble with Koreans is they judge by skin color and appearances. If you're trailer white trash, they will admit you into the bar because they think that you're rich AMDK. If you're a rich black, you'll be denied entry because they assume all Africans are poor.

Unless you drive up to the entrance in a chauffeur driven Bentley.
very low vibration.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Tell that the the crazy fangirls (many aunties) who will be at the Singapore Expo this Sunday (30 Jun 2024) to see their beloved gook idol. :biggrin:



Koreans have pride that's why they bad ass. World Cup 2002. K-drama. K-pop. K-food. Samsung, LG. Hyundai, Kia. They got mad K-Commies across their border, and traditional enemies Japs and K-Commie supporter PeeRC nearby.