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[Video] - Iran : if Israel retaliates to our missile attack, we guarantee they will regret it! Israel : you bet your fucking balls we'll retaliate!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

IRGC warns adds that “if Israel reacts military, it will face crushing response”.​

USA say there will be severe consequences for this Iranian attack and we will work with Israel to make sure that is the case"​




IRGC warns adds that “if Israel reacts military, it will face crushing response”.​

USA say there will be severe consequences for this Iranian attack and we will work with Israel to make sure that is the case"​

It's time to annihilate this crazy ISLAMIC regime of barbarians. Go Israel Go!

syed putra

Israel and US live by the motto " Escalation dominance". That means fight till the last bullet. See who have stamina to last.
Unfortunately for Israel, those Arab neighbours can quickly create another front to the east and South.
Only way is to use nuclear weapons. And of course Pakistan will enter the fray.