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[Video] - HK : 3 men (including a BBFA) in a fight in 7-11


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Can anyone decipher what's going on?


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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

A scuffle broke out in Yuen Long. This morning, a clip appeared on the Internet. A gold chain man in a 7-11 convenience store on Kang King Street suspected of having an argument with a fat man. The two scuffled. Even though another masked man joined the battle circle to assist the gold chain man, the gold chain man was pinned down by the fat man and could not move. One of the African-American men stopped him when he saw this: "stop, the police are coming... ", it is understood that the incident happened in June last year, the two had an argument on the street in the morning, and they went from the street into the 7-11 convenience store.