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[Video] - Hamas Fighters Run To Israeli Tank, Plant Explosives & Then This Happened

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Media is covering up the fact that IDF are really not doing so well in Gaza. Hamas are using guerilla hit and run tactics and IDF can't do much with convention urban fighting

syed putra

Maybe the tank survived. But dunno if the crew suffered any effect of the blast. It was reported 70k israeli soldiers are suffering from some injuries in gaza genocide.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Maybe the tank survived. But dunno if the crew suffered any effect of the blast. It was reported 70k israeli soldiers are suffering from some injuries in gaza genocide.
I've read that the Hamas fighters know to place the penetrative charges next to where the shells are stored in the tanks.

This conflict is already into the 8th month yet the IDF is still stuck in Gaza. Tells you something