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[Video] - Finland president says 1 phone call from XJP can force Putin to end the Ukraine war

syed putra

US has already built about 12-15 bases along russian border in Finland since it joined NATO. Finland has just put itself in same boat as Ukraine. The West are bent on provoking Russia into a all out war. It seems the focus is now to finish russia off.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
These EU leaders are really clowns. Their partygirl ex PM insisted on joining NATO well aware that will further provoke Putin.... And now they are trying to drag China into the mess they've created?

And of course brainless sinkies here will immediately pull down their pants and stroke their dicks blaming China again

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
US has already built about 12-15 bases along russian border in Finland since it joined NATO. Finland has just put itself in same boat as Ukraine. The West are bent on provoking Russia into a all out war. It seems the focus is now to finish russia off.
Kishore was right. US, EU and NATO totally have no cohesive strategy in this geopolitical contest. All the little moves they've made have boomeranged.

And when Le Pen becomes the next French president and they will walk their own way


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Fuck China. They've not done a single good thing for the world ever since the commies took over. Bastards all of them.
Except for producing your clothes, shoes, underwear, toilet bowl, iPhone, your dementia medicine, your home aircon... yes the clean air you breathe... probably everything you use. And most importantly the sexy ahtiongbus.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Kishore was right. US, EU and NATO totally have no cohesive strategy in this geopolitical contest. All the little moves they've made have boomeranged.

And when Le Pen becomes the next French president and they will walk their own way
Well, with the far right taking over Europe... US could start planning their regime change in European countries.


Old Fart
Except for producing your clothes, shoes, underwear, toilet bowl, iPhone, your dementia medicine, your home aircon... yes the clean air you breathe... probably everything you use. And most importantly the sexy ahtiongbus.
They did all you mentioned for their own benefit. To bring in money for their economy and to plagiarise tech and features found in foreign products. Then they use that money to build their military and threaten their neighbours. And yes, their whores are wonderful though. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
They did all you mentioned for their own benefit. To bring in money for their economy and to plagiarise tech and features found in foreign products. Then they use that money to build their military and threaten their neighbours. And yes, their whores are wonderful though. :biggrin:
At least you agree that their whores are great... won't ask for more.
China has spent so little money and effort in military that it is child's play compared to your mighty US. Even Phillippine and Taiwan bullies China. If only China will pay some attention to total defence like the mighty Singapore they will not be bullied.


Kishore was right. US, EU and NATO totally have no cohesive strategy in this geopolitical contest. All the little moves they've made have boomeranged.

And when Le Pen becomes the next French president and they will walk their own way
When you have no brains and need to count on others. Trump is the only one who said pay your fair share. After that the sponges are looking for an exit


Old Fart
At least you agree that their whores are great... won't ask for more.
China has spent so little money and effort in military that it is child's play compared to your mighty US. Even Phillippine and Taiwan bullies China. If only China will pay some attention to total defence like the mighty Singapore they will not be bullied.
Last time China kena bullied by AMDK, was called the sick man of Asia 亞洲病夫. And they deserved it because they were a mess (social, economic and political). The world subsequently accepted China as the world's factory and in the process enriched the ccp and their cronies. With money, they started to bully their neighbours and entertained the misguided notion that they can complete with the great USA to be a super power. I wish they would not do that, and focus instead on economics and commerce. Sadly now, china is in decline. And they asked for it. That country is a joke, the ccp is a joke and their people are a joke. Except their whores which we all can appreciate!:biggrin: