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[Video] - Fake Cop Pulls Over Real Cop and Gets Arrested

Singapore Dancing Spirit

He is on probation for 4 sexual assaults. He is only 19.
He was now again arrested for misdemeanor charges.

My verdict:
  • He is a first generation of a CECA family.
  • He has a Jewish name Sergey to hide his identity. But he cannot hide his shitskins and his body languages.
  • He is so stupid to impersonate as an officer despite he has 4 sexcual assault causes. He must have been offending raping and molesting innocent victims.
  • He expressed his charisma as he is unarmed, and he loves COPs to evase the charges but COPs in USA usually just.
At least I am happy that the law and order is adequately enforced in USA but not in SG under PAP Regime.


Why is PAP regime so biased in enforcing law and order in Singapore?

In SG also CECA or CECA diaspora do not mind impersonating as a Police Officer and confiscate my iPad once as i wrote on LKY's misdeeds Until today I did not get back my iPad, I have done my private investigations and found out that Mr. Mohan is NOT a police officer, but a NEA officer works in Scotts Road. His girlfriend is cute Chinese lady working in Jurong Police Division. I think he was trying to help her impersonating as a Police officer. I understand she is her mistress. He is also a gay. He is covered under PAP regime because Shanmugam is the law minister and Sundaresh Menon is the chief justice. They won't charge anyone impersonating as Police officer in Sg.

Unfortunately, SG is celebrated worldwide by Rothschild's counterfeit media as if SG it is corruptless nation but that is far from true.