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[Video] - China announces that Singapore fully supports China in its Belt and Road construction


China should solve the myanmar kidnapping problems created by China chinese

  • From Shwe Kokko to KK Park, a slew of brutal criminal enterprises now dot the Moei River that forms Myanmar’s border with Thailand


Alfrescian (Inf)
Take everything you see on CGTN with a pinch of salt. Heavier pinch than what you see with CNA, Shitty Times, Mothershit etc.



Organ harvesting KK garden owner engages in gambling in line with the “Belt and Road” policy? China has spoken | International​

billion, was investigated by the Myanmar government for allegedly operating illegal cross-border gambling. It is a third country investment and has nothing to do with the “Belt and Road” initiative.

In the promotional content of Asia Pacific New City, this project is located on the border of Thailand and Myanmar, only 15 kilometers away from Mae Sot Airport in Thailand, and at the Thailand-Myanmar intersection of the Trans-Asian Railway. Relying on the “China-Thailand-Myanmar Economic Corridor”, it strives to become a “Belt and Road” construction. It is also the first project to implement blockchain technology for global financing, with plans for tourism and vacation, business logistics, and financial and technology centers. This master plan covers an area of 180,000 mu and is one of the largest large-scale investment projects in the area.

However, after he was arrested, the local Overseas Chinese Leaders Association, which was associated with him, terminated his post. According to Myanmar media reports, the Myanmar government has actually formed a special court as early as June 2021 to investigate the possible illegal gambling problem in Asia Pacific New City. Due to the reasons for the epidemic, the investigation has not yet made substantial progress. Two months later, the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar issued a statement stating that the Asia-Pacific New City in Myanmar is a third-country investment and has nothing to do with the “Belt and Road” initiative; China’s position on the issue of cross-border gambling is consistent and clear, that is, China is not allowed to Capital investment in local casinos, Chinese people are not allowed to participate in the operation of local casinos, and local casinos are not allowed to gamble with Chinese people. China is strengthening law enforcement and security cooperation with Myanmar, and stepping up efforts to crack down on illegal gambling, telecommunications fraud and other cross-border illegal and criminal activities. Safeguard social security and the safety of people’s lives and property in the two countries. “China supports the establishment of a special agency by the Myanmar government to investigate and handle the Asia-Pacific New City project in accordance with laws and regulations.”

syed putra

Vivian probably Married a china spy in a honey trap. Now blackmailed to comply or all Photos will be revealed.