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[Video] - BOUDICA: QUEEN OF WAR | Official Trailer (2023) AWARE would approve?

syed putra

I did say Roman rule was harsh and people conquered were enslaved. It was said cedar butchered 2/3 of the population of gaul seized their land and distributed to his soldiers and the people ended up as slaves to their new landlord.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Fuck AWARE. I would publicly hang those feminazi cows at the Padang if it were up to me, Amnesty International can go fuck itself. :FU:

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Watched a short documentary on this pagan queen a few years ago. Her followers(subjects?) tend to bury their treasure in the wilderness as a form of tribute to the Earth.

So until today amateur archeologists are hunting and digging up caches of ancient gold ornaments from British countryside

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
It was said cedar butchered 2/3 of the population of gaul seized their land and distributed to his soldiers and the people ended up as slaves to their new landlord.
Luckily Asterisk and Obelix were there to box those Roman soldiers up into the sky


Alfrescian (Inf)
Luckily Asterisk and Obelix were there to box those Roman soldiers up into the sky
with help from the middle kingdom.