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[Video] - Angmoh woman who has only eaten french fries her entire lives cries pitifully when her french fries are replaced with raw carrot sticks


Alfrescian (Inf)
Lousy doctors.
Should have given her more appetising stuff like roast meat, char siew, satay, BBQ stingray, durians.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Yucks years of eating French fries only and no fiber... Imagine her sai must smell like Ganges river


Alfrescian (Inf)
Dot can eat only pork all my life.
Monday: roast meat
Tuesday: char siew
Wednesday: bak kut teh
Thursday: kong bak
Friday: sweet sour pork
Saturday: pig intestines and innards soup or kway chap
Sunday: pork done any other way

syed putra

Dot can eat only pork all my life.
Monday: roast meat
Tuesday: char siew
Wednesday: bak kut teh
Thursday: kong bak
Friday: sweet sour pork
Saturday: pig intestines and innards soup or kway chap
Sunday: pork done any other way
You should substitute it for taufoo pork first., then slowly to beef


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Must have been the msg in those sachets. Her titties big or not? If big and juicy, then a few hairs nevermind lah.

You prefer this...

Or this?